The Open Enrollment period for the 2025-2026 School year has begun. The Lottery is scheduled for 12/5/24 at 4:00 pm.

Pasta for Pennies

Pasta for Pennies

Queen’s Grant High School is currently raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  Our first week of the drive we raised $229.51. We have two weeks left to go to reach our goal of $2500. Cancer doesn’t discriminate and QGHS is no exception. QG students know that we are not in the fight for someone else but “someone” that is our very own.

Student Council is leading the way with a Penny Wars Drive!  Student Council participates in the Chick fil A leader Academy which teaches students about leading by example through their “Do Good December” project.  Student Council has placed positive cash boxes and sabotage cash boxes in each of the classrooms across our campus.  The student body is “warring” among other 4th period classes to see who can raise the most money!  The fun is that other classes can sabotage a class. Just when one class thinks they are in the lead, another class might “sabotage” their effort!

All the fun raises the most amount of change possible to help drive for a cure! Stay tuned for updates as the QG Penny Wars continue! Help join the fight and give to the QG Drive today! You can participate by donating online at