The Open Enrollment period for the 2025-2026 School year has begun. The Lottery is scheduled for 12/5/24 at 4:00 pm.

QG hosts a Blood Drive

QG hosts a Blood Drive

Queen’s Grant High School’s annual fall blood drive was held on October 1st. We collected 36 productive units of blood, which will help 108 local patients.  QGHS partners with Community Blood Center of the Carolinas so that all of the donations stay here in our local community of Charlotte.

So why does QGHS have an annual blood drive?  Community hospitals rely heavily on donations from schools and large corporations being committed to hosting annual blood drives. Less than 10% of the US population that is eligible to donate does so.  Every viable pint donated saves 3 lives! Blood is not something that can be manufactured so those that are in need are dependent on others to donate.  Donating blood is a life saving act of kindness that is fairly easy for most of us to do.

Our goal is to make it convenient for those who are willing to donate to be able to conveniently do so without driving a long way, or taking a lot of time away from work and or family.  We strive to be a dependable successful donation site for our students and community to participate while helping our local community hospitals save lives.

You can contribute to our success this spring by going ahead and marking your calendars for our next Blood drive. It will be held on April 22, 2016. We look forward to you helping us meet our goal!